Build your brand through social reviews
Aggregate your best reviews from multiple social platforms for your website visitors and exhibit them in one place.
Happy users

Showcase your social proofs on your website
Sort out negative feedback, generate custom reviews and testimonials using eye-catching templates and layouts with your favorite WP Social Ninja
Explore the most diverse social reviews plugin
Word of mouth is everything today. And that’s why you need a futuristic WordPress social reviews plugin to grow more.

Number of Reviews
Take control of your displayed reviews
WP Social Ninja gives you the full command of your website. With this option, you can select the exact number of social media reviews that you want to exhibit.
Filters by Minimum Rating
Choose your display rating
Not every rating is a 5-star one! Customize the ratings with WP Social Ninja. And select the best ones that you would want to display to your users on your website.

Filter by reviews title
Include or exclude specific reviews
From the thousand reviews you receive, your business needs only a few. Moreover, some reviews are not meant to be displayed. So adjust your reviews and include or exclude any!
Display Write a Review
Call to Action button for the website users
Let your users know about the individual social sites. WP Social Ninja has designed this CTA button to encourage the website visitors to give an instant review.

Manage all your socials from the same screen with WP Social Ninja

Manage your WordPress site with advanced features

Layout Variation
Display your social reviews and recommendations with the most stylish and customizable layouts.

Multiple Templates
Show off your social reviews from a variety of templates to make your website look even more appealing.

Advanced Filter Settings
With various settings options, WP Social Ninja lets you control reviews & ratings with an advanced filter.

Rating Style
Pick your reviews/rating styles from no minimum rating to 5 stars. Also, include/exclude specific reviews.

Uniform Dimension
WP Social Ninja has the option to adjust your reviews’ text height according to the design of your website.

Content Length
You can customize the content length button to display the reviews perfectly aligned in the front-end.

Display Reviewer Details
Now control the visibility of your reviewers’ identity. Show/hide the reviewer’s name on your site.

Auto Syncing
Auto-sync the reviews on your site, so after an interval, all the reviews will be updated automatically.

Header Settings
Get multiple options for displaying your business name, reviews, and ratings at the front-end of your site.
Import social reviews in 3 easy steps without any coding!
Give your WordPress website a kickstart with your valuable social proofs
Invest wisely
WP Social Ninja offers you Social Reviews and Social Chat along with Social Feeds. An all-in-one solution for your website to take away your social media burden.
Aggregate your best reviews from multiple social platforms for your website visitors.
The social super-tool that won’t break your bank
Need some social proof?
Gain trusts through social reviews to achieve your goal

Corey Kretsinger

WP Social Ninja has a ton of fantastic options with more getting added all the time. Support has been very responsive whenever I’ve needed to contact them.This plugin is already great and getting better all the time.Get the pro version. You won’t be sorry.


This is THE one I was looking for years, so easy, so smart and efficient, you can import a lot of reviews from differents platforms (Google, Facebook etc..) in one or separate templates on a so easy way ! You can import and sync social networks flows too in a GPDR compliant way so it is almost perfect ! Thanks to the dev team and support wich are totally awesome and “Bravo” !


Just wanted to leave my 5starts review here. This product is really great if you want to show social media reviews on your website. It also allows you to show your social media feeds, or add social chat to your website. It’s fairly recent and the team is always listening to the community in order to improve the plugin. Highly recommend.
Social Reviews FAQ
Top questions you need to ask before buying WP Social Ninja
This is not just a review plugin; it’s your feeds and chat widget solution too!