WP Social Ninja is a box full of surprises!

Scoring on-site reviews and displaying them has never been easier

Gather more reviews on your website with Fluent Forms and take user engagement to another level!

Create eye-catching forms in no time and convert them into testimonials with WP Social Ninja

Fluent Forms reviews for feedbacks

Place a user feedback form

To display reviews from your website visitors, you need to create a new form or you can edit an existing one.

Fluent Forms reviews necessary fields

Fill up the form with the necessary fields

Insert necessary input fields that include Name, Email, Review Title, Review Text, and Rating, and click on the Save button.

Fluent Forms reviews filters

Sort and filter the best reviews

Select your reviews from the WP Social Ninja template section. Here take control of your reviews and filter them.

Fluent Forms reviews on your website

Display user reviews on your website

All your social reviews will appear on your site automatically. Now you show them off to create more value for your website.

Collect and display user-generated reviews to make your website look more reliable with WP Social Ninja

Have you been collecting reviews from social platforms only? Well, the good part is WP Social Ninja lets you collect reviews from your website visitors too and show off them on your site

Collect reviews from site visitors

Your website visitors are the assets that you want to keep forever. Now collect reviews from your loyal users with Fluent Forms and post them on your website.

Don’t just design testimonials, generate too

Getting instant reviews and ratings from your website visitors? Utilize these site reviews and create a testimonial section with WP Social Ninja.

Make user interaction meaningful

Your users are the top priority and you want to stay in touch with them. WP Social Ninja takes the connection to the next level and displays them on your website.

Boost your website performance

Turn your site visitors into potential customers. Your site testimonials have the power to single-handedly improve the conversion rate and sales.

Manage all your socials from the same screen with WP Social Ninja


Build brand confidence with legit user reviews

Set up a feedback form in minutes, make users feel welcomed, and gather invaluable testimonials.

Number of Reviews

Take control of your displayed reviews

WP Social Ninja gives you the full command over your website. With this option, you can select the exact number of social reviews that you want to exhibit.

Fluent Forms reviews number of reviews

Filters by Minimum Rating

Set the minimum ratings displayed

Not every rating is a 5 star one! Set a bar for the minimum scale of ratings you want to show and select the best ones that you would want to display to your users.

Filter by reviews title

Include or exclude specific social reviews

From the thousand reviews you receive, your business needs the few that can be highlighted. Moreover, some reviews are not meant to be displayed. So adjust your reviews and include or exclude any!

Fluent Forms reviews call to action

Display Write a Review

Call to Action button for the website users

WP Social Ninja always takes extra care of its audiences. Hence they have designed this CTA button to encourage the site visitors to give an instant review.

WP Social Ninja custom reviews advanced features

Layout Variation

Display your reviews with stylish layout types; Grid/Slider/Masonry for a stunning customizable outlook.

Multiple Templates

Show off your reviews from a variety of templates to make your website look even more appealing.

Advanced Filter Settings

With various settings options, WP Social Ninja lets you control reviews & ratings with an advanced filter.

Rating Style

Pick your reviews/rating styles from no minimum rating to 5 stars. Also, include/exclude specific reviews.

Uniform Dimension

WP Social Ninja has the option to adjust your reviews’ text height according to the design of your website.

Content Length

You can customize the content length button to display the reviews perfectly aligned in the front end.

Display Reviewer Name & Image

Now control the visibility of your reviewers’ identity. Show/hide the display reviewer’s name on your site.

Auto Syncing

Auto-sync your reviews to your site, so after an interval, all the reviews will be updated automatically.

Header Settings

Get multiple options for displaying your business name, reviews, and ratings at the front end of your site.

The social super-tool that won’t break your bank



Save 50%

Single License

  • 1 Domain License
  • 1-year Plugin Update
  • 1-year Priority Support 
  • All Features Included 

super saver



Save 50%

Agency License

  • 25 Domain License
  • 1-year Plugin Update
  • 1-year Priority Support 
  • All Features Included 



Save 50%

Unlimited License

  • Unlimited Domain License
  • 1-year Plugin Update
  • 1-year Priority Support 
  • All Features Included 

*Grab this offer right away and save a whopping 50% off on our first-year license!

All the features you need to build a solid social media presence

  • ​​Layout variation
  • Notification pop-up
  • Rating style
  • Hide reviews without text
  • Uniform dimension
  • Multiple templates
  • Testimonials
  • Export/Import custom reviews
  • Include/exclude specific reviews
  • Auto syncing
  • Number of reviews
  • Advanced filter settings
  • Display reviewer details
  • Header settings
  • Advanced filter settings

Invest wisely

WP Social Ninja offers you Social Reviews and Social Chat along with Social Feeds. An all-in-one solution for your website to take away your social media burden.


Top questions that you ask before buying WP Social Ninja

To add reviews on your site, you can create a review form using Fluent Forms and enable the WP Social Ninja integration button. And WP Social Ninja lets you display them on your website. To do that just copy the shortcode and post them anywhere! For more information check out the documentation.

WP Social Ninja is specially made for the user’s interest. Reviews and ratings are an essential part of any business, and customer reviews and recommendations can influence visitors. Reviews can be displayed on the homepage or any other page to be visible to the visitors.

Yes, WP Social Ninja has multiple amazing filter options; Number of Reviews, Filters by Minimum Rating, and Order by. Moreover,  you can also Include or Exclude reviews by reviews title on your website. So you can hide all the negative reviews, or you can choose to show positive reviews only.

Turn your customer-generated content with WP Social Ninja into sales by collecting and adding social reviews