Airbnb Reviews on Your WordPress Website
Max 13min read

How to Display Airbnb Reviews on Your WordPress Website

By Editorial Staff
May 12, 2021


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Would you consider a place for Airbnb that doesn’t have any Airbnb reviews?

You already know the answer! A website or a brand lacking social media reviews is considered a bad reputation for the business.

Moreover, 91% of U.S. online customers say they are more likely to be influenced by a positive review in any business. 82% say that negative reviews make them lose interest in purchasing.

Airbnb reviews statista data

But you also need a product review plugin to fetch all the social reviews from different social media platforms. Because a solid review plugin can help you excel in your business and add value.

To know more, wait until the end. But before that, let’s check out what topic we’ve in this article-

What are Airbnb reviews?

Airbnb started its journey in 2008. It is a United States-based online rental service that is used for different purposes. To make it clear, it is a short-term accommodation for homestays, apartments, villas, holiday cottages, hostel beds, and hotel rooms. To some extent, Airbnb includes castles and treehouses as well.

what are Airbnb reviews
  • Airbnb is operating its business in 220+ countries
  • Following that, it adds 81000+ cities
  • With 7 million accommodations
  • Accessible in 62 languages
  • Offers more than 50,000 handcrafted activities

Based on the business type, Airbnb strongly requires reviews to showcase its services. That’s why not only the users but also the hosts get to leave Airbnb reviews to be transparent.

How to add Airbnb reviews on your WordPress website 

The power of social reviews on any website to build a brand is just irreplaceable. However, when you have plenty of reviews, you need a social media plugin that can fetch all the reviews on your WordPress website.

If you choose a multipurpose plugin for your business, you are already one step ahead of your competitors. We suggest you go for WP Social Ninja, as it is the most robust plugin for your website. This plugin not only takes care of your social reviews but also takes full responsibility for Social Feeds and Social Chat too.

WP Social Ninja is an Airbnb WordPress plugin with 9+ social reviews like Google Business profile reviews, Facebook reviews, Yelp reviews, Amazon reviews, and many more review platforms. In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to embed Airbnb reviews on your website. Are you ready to know how to configure Airbnb reviews on WordPress websites?

Airbnb reviews configuration

Two business types are available in the Airbnb reviews configuration section, like Rooms and Experiences. To add the Airbnb Reviews to your site from the Room section, you just need to fetch the Airbnb-specific business page’s URL. You first need to connect with the Airbnb server to fetch the reviews from their repositories.

Airbnb configuration process

In this part of Airbnb Configuration, you need to Create a Template; after inserting the Airbnb Business Page URL, click the Save button. After you finish following the instructions, your account dashboard will display the Successful notification.

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Airbnb requires two types of URLs. When you look for a location, you get the Room URL, and when you look for the experiences, it’s a bit different than the room URL; you get the Experience URL—still, finding it a little difficult to understand?

See the screenshots below to understand how to obtain the Airbnb reviews URL. Firstly, to get the URL, you need to visit the Airbnb site.

For Room

Airbnb reviews for room URL
Airbnb | Room URL

To get the room URL, click on the page URL, select the rooms/business_id. Now copy and paste to insert it to download reviews.

For Experience

Airbnb reviews configuration
Airbnb | Experience URL

Experience URL is quite similar to the room URL, following the same procedure: copy the experiences/business_id URL, and paste it to insert it to download reviews.

Airbnb reviews successful configuration
Airbnb Reviews

Here, remember to click on the Save button after you are done. Now you can see the URL is working, and you have got the Success message.

Create a Template

WP Social Ninja offers you pre-built templates. Templates can play a really important role in your business because you don’t want your website to look dull and boring.

Below you’ll find the steps for How to Create an Airbnb template using WP Social Ninja. Let’s get into it-

Airbnb reviews create a template
Create a Template

Once you have got the Airbnb reviews, you can create your template. To do that, click on the Create a Template button.

Available platforms from WP Social Ninja dashboard
Available Platforms

After you click on the Create a Template button, you will be automatically taken to the stylish editor panel. From the right side, a drop-down menu will appear. Here, you can see all the Platforms. Select Airbnb to go further.

Airbnb reviews platform selection
Airbnb | Platforms

As you can see, all the Airbnb Reviews appeared automatically after selecting the Airbnb platform. However, you may choose more than one or all the Platforms to fetch other platforms’ reviews on your site.

Save your template to display Airbnb reviews
Save Template

Now you can click on the Save Template button.

How to use Shortcode

WP Social Ninja is a fully user-friendly plugin. With the view to making users’ experience effortless and straightforward, the team has designed it so that anyone can operate it. So, to display reviews on the website, this plugin gives you shortcodes you can use. Confused? Let’s check how you can use Shortcodes by WP Social Ninja.

To use your Shortcode, go to All Templates.

Airbnb reviews shortcode
Shortcode | All Templates

Here, you can see all the Shortcodes.

Edit, delete, or duplicate shortcode to showcase Airbnb reviews
Edit | Delete | Duplicate Shortcode

You can Click to Copy Shortcode or Edit your previous Templates in this section. But the best part is for every setting you change; it’s not necessary to create a new Shortcode again.

Where to put Shortcodes

Basically, Shortcode is inside a bracket, a single code that can accomplish various functions on a site. You can keep your Shortcode anywhere, like any page, page builder, post, or maybe on the sidebar.

Place shortcode
Place Shortcode

Here, click on Pages and select New Page and paste your Shortcode, as shown in the screenshot above. And you’re good to go!

Airbnb reviews features and functionalities

Airbnb configuration was easy, right? Well, WP Social Ninja is a trendy plugin with all-inclusive packages. It has detailed features for each of the settings.

Once the configuration is completed, you can change your Airbnb Reviews Template Layouts to display your reviews in various ways.


Select a Platform or Select all Platforms
Select a Platform/Select all Platforms

In order to change your Template Layout, click on the Source button, and a drop-down menu will appear. You may Select a Platform, or you can select more than one platform.

Select the platform
Platform Selected

Here, I have chosen the Airbnb Platform. After choosing the platform, Reviews/Recommendations appear automatically.

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In the next section, we will guide you through screenshots on how you can easily adjust your Template Layouts using WP Social Ninja to design your Website.


You can change your Layout Type from the drop-down option.

Grid layout types
Layout Type | Grid

Three Types of Layouts are available at the moment. Grid, Slider, and Masonry – These layouts have specific designs to structure contents.

Layout Type Grid is selected; you may also select Slider or Masonry.

Template Types

Next is Template Types. You can select a template to give your layout a new look. Nine Template Types are available at the moment.

Template Types
Template Types | Vega

Vega, Spica, Sirius, Rigel, Procyon, Pollux, Mimosa, Hadar, and Deneb. Select any Template that suits your brand!

Number of Columns

You can also customize the Number of Columns from the drop-down menu on the right side.

Number of Columns
Number of Columns

Here, you can choose from column options. Right now, we have 1 Column to 4 Columns. For demonstration purposes, 3 Columns are selected to display the reviews.


Here, if you click on the arrow button, the Number of Reviews will appear. You can change the numbers according to your preference from the scroll bar.

Number of reviews
Number of Reviews

For each platform, you can select from 1 to up to 100 reviews.

Filters by Minimum Rating

Did you know that you can filter your Review Ratings? If you want to add only a specific number of stars, you have that option as well.

Filters by Minimum Rating
Filters by Minimum Rating

You will have six options to choose from: No Minimum Rating to Five Star to display your Reviews. Here, we have selected No Minimum Rating.

Filter by Reviews Title

Using WP Social Ninja is a delight. It gives you so many breathtaking features to display your Airbnb reviews. In Filter by Reviews Title, you have three options! You can choose whether you want All the Reviews or what you may Include/Exclude.

Filters by reviews title
Filters by Reviews Title

By clicking All, you are allowing all the Reviews/Recommendations to display on your site.


Next is the Include option. If you click on the Include, a drop-down menu will appear.

Airbnb reviews include options
Include Reviews

Here, you are allowed to pick the specific reviews by the reviewer’s name to display their reviews on your site.


If you click on the Exclude button, you can eliminate the specific reviews by their names that you don’t want to display on your website.

Airbnb reviews exclude options
Exclude Reviews

Don’t forget to click on the Save button once you are done.


In the Airbnb Reviews Settings section, WP Social Ninja has offered a wide range of separate segments to make the necessary changes that your brand requires. Let’s go through the steps to change the settings.

Display Rating

Have you ever wanted to take the authority of your Display Ratings? Well, if you click on the Display Rating button, you can control the rating on your website.

Display rating
Display Rating

Just turn the button on to display the reviews on your website. Similarly, click to turn off the button to hide the reviews.

Rating Style

Next is Rating Style. In this section, you can change your Rating Style from the given options.

Rating style
Rating Style

Three Layout options are available right now. Default, Number Style Rating, and Icon with Number Style Rating. To add more variations on your website, Pick any from the drop-down menu.

Display Reviewer Name

A reviewer’s privacy is always essential for any website. Like Rating Style, you can take control of your Display Reviewer Name as well.

Display reviewer name
Display Reviewer Name

For demonstration purposes, I have turned on the button. You can turn off the button if you don’t want to display the Reviewer’s Name on your website.

Display Reviewer Image

As privacy is the most important concern for users, WP Social Ninja has everything necessary to secure users’ privacy. In Display Reviewer Image, you can stop the images displayed on the website.

Display reviewer image
Display Reviewer Image

Simply turning on the reviewer image button, the images will be displayed. However, turning off the button will hide the image. 

Display Platform Icon

The next filter is the Display Platform Icon. In this part, you can turn off the filter icon if you don’t want to display the platform icon.

Display platform Icon
Display Platform Icon

In order to do that, click the button to enable or disable.

Display Date

That’s not all. WP Social Ninja allows you to take full control of your reviews. Yes, you can control your Display Date too.

Display date
Display Date

However, in case you don’t like to keep the date displayed on the website, turn the button off.

Equal Height

The next setting is Equal Height. Like the previous settings, you can adjust it by clicking it on/off.

Equal height
Equal Height

If you turn it on, all the reviews will be in Equal Height. Moreover, you can adjust the height according to the text. To do that, click on the Plus/Minus button.

Display Review Text

After you adjust your Equal Height, you can change your Reviewer Text and Content-Length too.

Display review text and set the content length
Display Review Text

Here, if you disable the Display Reviewer Text button, then you won’t be able to display the Content-Length.

However, if you enable the Content-Length button, then all the text will align in the same horizontal line.

Header Settings

After the Pagination Settings, next we have Header Settings. WP Social Ninja has listed a few Header Settings for the users.

In this part, four Layout options are available right now; Display Business Name, Display Rating, Display Reviews, and Display Write a Review.

Display header settings
Header Settings

By clicking on the Display Business Name, you are allowing the Business name to display on the Front End.

Next is Display Rating. You can tick mark the box to display the rating. Or untick the box if you prefer otherwise.

If you select multiple platforms, such as Airbnb and Amazon, the average display rating will appear on your site.

Moreover, add Display Reviews and Display Write a Review option by ticking on the boxes.

Header settings
Header Settings | Front End View

Here, from the Front End, you can Write a Review. In case of multiple platforms, this Call to Action button will take you to the individual sites.

Pagination Settings

Sometimes lists can get too lengthy. To display them in smaller portions, Pagination Settings are inevitable.

Now let’s look at how you can choose to change the Pagination Settings by clicking on the drop-down menu.

Pagination settings to display airbnb reviews
Pagination Settings

Pagination Style has two options currently. You can pick any from None or Load More. If you select the Load More option, it’ll ask you to adjust your Reviews Per Page number.

Reviews Per Page
Reviews Per Page

Here, in this Review Per Page, you can adjust the review number for every page from the scroll bar.


Like your products, your websites need Style too. WP Social Ninja has added Style options to adjust the height and width at the same time, you can also adjust the Text color, Typography, and other options.

Style option
Style option

Clicking on the Style option you can also set the spacing option. Select your space according to your requirements.

Here you can adjust the spacing along with other crucial options. More options are coming soon, so keep an eye on WP Social Ninja. Once you are done, click on the Save button. And you are all set!


Sometimes, gathering individuals’ social reviews is challenging. Moreover, it consumes a lot of valuable time. Also, to display Airbnb reviews, you need an Airbnb WordPress plugin, but with WP Social Ninja, you don’t need a separate plugin. You can display reviews from multiple social sites, too. To show your business a simple solution for social reviews along with social chat and social feeds.

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From the beginning of this article, I have tried to give you an overview of Airbnb reviews and how to embed them on your website using the most useful social media plugin, WP Social Ninja.
For any further queries, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our support team or check out our user guidelines.

Also, check out our articles on- How Different Generations Use Social Media.

Piya Choudhury Avatar

Piya Choudhury

Being a social media enthusiast, I am passionate about real-life stories that connect with my readers. I mostly deal with social media marketing, user reviews, feeds & communication processes. And when I’m not writing, you’ll find me binge-watching on Netflix.

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