How different generations use social media
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How Different Generations Use Social Media (Updated)

By Editorial Staff
May 10, 2021


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In 2024 different generations of users are actively participating in social media. The statistics mentioned above clearly indicate over the years, age barriers on social media have washed up. For example, Twitter is the most recognizable social media platform. Almost every age group is active on Twitter.

“More than 80% of every generation uses social media at least once per day making social media part of their daily routine.”

The Manifest

Let’s check out the top two accounts most followed on Twitter to identify the range of different generations.

The second most-followed Twitter account belongs to Barack Obama, with 132M followers. He is the former US president. Barack Obama is 62 years old and belongs to the most senior generation, “Baby Boomers”.

Barack Obama’s Twitter account post

On the other hand, surprisingly, Elon Musk is in the first place. He is the owner and the most followed person on Twitter. Right now, he has 149 Million followers.

Elon Musk Twitter post

Although there is a myth that only young people are active on social media, Twitter statistics stand out to show that social media is capable enough to attract all age groups. Moreover, different age groups have different patterns of using social media. 

This article is a detailed discussion of how different generations use social media.

How do different generations use social media?

Not so long ago, it was challenging for anyone to find someone on the internet. Have you tried finding your long-lost high school friend on the internet yet? It’s not such a complicated task anymore! Just type the name and click the search button on social media, and you will have all the search results on your screen.

Do you know 4.7 billion users are actively using social media today?

– Statista

Social media has influenced our lives in every way. The increasing numbers of users on social sites show that it has taken over everything. From watching a live football match to having trouble in a relationship, social media has every essential resource you could think of.

Initially, social platforms were only considered as a form of time pass. However, the situation has completely changed, and different social sites are now active for various purposes like brand promotions, social works, entertainment, and whatnot.

For example, Dove, the famous personal care brand, has blended a new strategy to promote its brand. They have introduced a campaign, “Courage Is Beautiful,” in honor of the COVID-19 healthcare workers on different social platforms. And not to mention this movement proved to be a hugely successful one.

Moreover, social media marketing is a new trend for businesses. Startups, as well as big companies, everyone is active on digital platforms and reach out to their target customers. On the other hand, consumers also follow brands on social media.

Online shopping is so popular that many physical shops are losing their charm. In the last decade, online purchasing has risen to an unexpected level, and currently, the number of online shoppers is a staggering 2.14 billion.

Needless to say, the power of social media is overwhelming. During the world’s most recent and ongoing crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, social media has been the only active platform that has tied everyone from different corners of the world together.

Impact of social media on different generations

Social media is like a Pandora’s box; you never know what you are getting. Along with time, social media has evolved and influenced drastically. Now not just shopping but every decision we make is somehow connected with social media.

We tend to spend a lot of time on different social sites, and based on our social surveys, we make various decisions.

How different generations using social media on daily basis
Statista 2022

Moreover, the active participation of different generations of social media has immensely increased. According to Pew Research, in 2005, only 5% of Americans were active on social media. In 2011 user numbers increased unexpectedly from 5% to 50%. And by 2020, 72% of Americans started using social media regularly.

So it is quite evident that the internet significantly impacts all age groups, and the numbers are only going high. In the next part, we will break down what generation uses social media the most and the different generations of consumers on social platforms for better understanding.

Graphs of how different generations use social media: Baby boomers
Social media use

Baby Boomers

Baby boomers are the oldest generation that is active on social media. When we think of an age group that is constantly posting and checking on social media, I bet millennials are the first thought that comes to mind.

But the shocking report was baby boomers were more active on social media, and 84% of the boomers stated that the internet had revamped their lives.

However, boomers are not so efficient in technology as they didn’t grow up using the internet. This generation doesn’t understand the dos and don’ts of different social platforms. Like typical social media users, they don’t even follow popular brands. Moreover, online shopping is the last thing they would do on social media.

Different generations most used social networks
Source: Statista

Baby boomers are more likely to watch videos on social media platforms. YouTube and Facebook have already successfully replaced TV and phone calls. They usually post image content, watch family members’ activities, and frequently share social content from other’s accounts. Some professionals are pretty active on LinkedIn to get updated on their professional life.

Age group: 1946 – 1964

Preferred sites: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn

Generation X

Generation X is the generation between baby boomers and millennials. This is the most neglected age group among all the different generations. Gen-X was the last grown-up group before the digital platform took over the world.

This age group is technologically much more advanced than the baby boomers. However, they didn’t grow up with a smartphone either; hence they are not used to the selfie and TikTok culture. Gen X is busy primarily caring for elderly family members or looking after a Generation Z kid.

Different generations activities on social media
Source: Statista

Although Generation X is an overlooked group, they spend much time on social media. Different survey results show that 77.5% of Xers are regular on digital sites. However, they are relatively straightforward and dislike experimenting like millennials. Unlike boomers, Xers are quite fond of online shopping, and before purchasing, they dig into social media reviews.

Generation X communicates a lot, and their social media activities are flat somewhere between boomers and millennials.

Age group: 1965 – 1979

Preferred sites: Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Messenger


Millennials are the most used term these days. This generation was severely influenced by technology while growing up. 66.4% of millennials say social media has improved their lives. Among all the different generations on social media, 79% of millennials use social platforms multiple times.

However, millennials also say too much use of social media has made them spend time and money on unnecessary things. 

Millennials are the first generation to see the tech era and are more than comfortable adopting the Internet for professional or personal purposes. This generation is more into texting and chatting than phone calls.

Millennials on social media
Source: WPManageNinja

This young generation is always active on their smartphone. They mostly shop online and love to follow brands. Their main motive for social sites is entertainment. Millennials live on digital platforms and regularly post content such as images, videos, stories, polls, etc.

Brands consider millennials as hotcakes. They are active on social platforms and like to meet new people and explore more. 

Age group: 1980 – 1995

Preferred sites: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, Pinterest

Generation Z

Generation Z is the future. They are considered the most populated and extensive group of consumers in the upcoming time. Studies show that over 65% of Gen Z say they love spending their free time on social media. 

This generation is attracted to vibrant visuals. Gen Z seems to spend a short time reading anything; instead, they are more comfortable with visuals. To be precise, visuals are a common language they use for communicating.

How different generations use social media: Gen Z
Source: Business Insider

Gen Z generations have watched YouTube more than TV from an early age. They follow different brands or influencers on YouTube, Snapchat, and Instagram. Social media is the perfect place for them to hang out with friends. 

Age group: 1996 onwards

Preferred sites: YouTube, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram

Last words

Everyone has a social account on different sites these days. As a result, the number of different generation of social media users are exponentially booming. Is it possible to replace social media? Well, the numbers and statistics don’t give a green signal. Social media is priceless, and here’s why- 

  • People spend an average of 3 hours per day on social networking sites 
  • 73% of marketers stated that they think social media is the most effective platform for their business
  • 71% of consumers recommend shops to their friends and family if they have had a positive experience

Although social media was initially only focused on young generations, the scenario has completely changed. All age groups have their type of social sites, and platforms are well aware of that too. Most of the social platforms are mobile responsive and user-friendly. 

Your social site is innovative; it understands your taste and sends you what you will eventually look for. Social media for different generations is a boon or bane for both. But whatever the outcomes are, social media is here to stay.

We hope this article can help you understand the generation and their relationships with social media. Let us know in the comment section if you have anything to add.

Also, check out our article: 5 Must-Read Social Media Success Stories

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Piya Choudhury

Being a social media enthusiast, I am passionate about real-life stories that connect with my readers. I mostly deal with social media marketing, user reviews, feeds & communication processes. And when I’m not writing, you’ll find me binge-watching on Netflix.

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