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7 Effective Social Media Marketing Strategies for Your Brand


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Want to refine your social media marketing strategies?

Well, we’ll make this simple for you. No matter what kind or size, all modern brands are active on social media. However, do they really understand the worth of digital platforms? There are so many myths about social media marketing strategies. However the most established misconception is that increasing followers, likes, and shares only determine success.

So rather than focusing on the obvious elements, you need to find out the blank spot. Because your brand’s credibility depends on some other crucial aspects. Moreover, some businesses that are producing quality products still don’t get the desired success.

In 2024, social media is the realm of digital marketing, and to succeed; you need effective strategies for social media. So the bottom line is having a social media handle and posting random stuff doesn’t get you where you want to reach. Your SMM strategy can help you here!

Let’s jump right in.

What are social media marketing strategies?

In simple words, social media marketing strategies mean utilizing social media platforms to promote your brands. In a broad manner, it involves connecting with your audiences to create word-of-mouth marketing, increase traffic, and boost your sales.

Well, strategies for social media are just not about profit-making. We don’t want to restrict it. Rather, it’s a gradual bond between the brands and the audiences.

For example, brands of any size have certain social media strategies. However, they don’t do it just to post quality content on digital platforms. The purpose of SMM strategies is quite deep.

Most labels want to know what people are talking about them. The conversations, mentions, and hashtags. Moreover, the social media graphs, their performance, and engagement rates.

Although managing SMM strategies is quite daunting, a social media plugin can help businesses to get the best out of social networking.

We’ll discuss this later; for now, let’s check out how to do social media marketing.

How to create social media marketing strategies?

When you start doing something new without knowing the right techniques, achieving even the simplest goals seems tough. However, your expert competitors are flourishing, and do you know why? Because they have perfect strategies for social media.

Social media marketing strategies are the combination of all the plans and implementations. In fact, it consists of a great amount of hard work with what you want to achieve with your brand in the digital world. Social networking shows the right path to engage with your niche.

Moreover, it gives you a clear idea about your brand’s performance. But to succeed, you need an effective social media marketing strategy.

We have made a list of step-by-step SMM strategies. Ready?

Step 1: Plan your business goal

While most businesses spend valuable time on social media, do they know why they are here? This is a common problem faced by brands. They just know social media presence is irreplaceable. So they follow other competitors and do random social media marketing.

However, SMART are those who have set a goal for their social media marketing strategy. Remember, before you make a goal, you’re not doing it just for the sake of it. You have a long-term plan, and that’s why you are on social media!

Smart social media marketing strategies for your brand

So it’s important that you set a Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound social media marketing goal. For example, what if you set out to get 1 million Twitter followers within 3 months? Well, it is quite unlikely to reach that level, even if you have a massively popular Twitter handle.

Although you want to do well on every social platform, focus on your target market. The more SMART your goals are, the more chance you have to become successful on social networking.

Learn the strategies on how growing brands are creating their footprint on social media success: Social Media for Small Business (Success Stories & Tips)

Step 2: Research your niche

Once you have set a goal, the next step is to focus on your target audience to know them better. Understanding your niche helps you to analyze them and what they want to see on your social media account. When your audiences like your content, it creates engagement. Moreover, you get insights to know their taste.

The famous graphic design platform Canva is an excellent example of a perfect social media marketing strategy. Canva specially creates content that can hook its audiences. Moreover, they regularly like, reply, and retweet relevant posts on social media to maintain a friendly relationship with the users.

To understand your audiences, you need to ask a few questions-

  • Who are they? (Age, gender, occupation, location)
  • What are their interests? (Entertainment, career, educational)
  • What are their preferred social platforms? (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
  • When do they prefer to check the content? (Morning, evening, night, weekdays, weekend)
  • Why do they like it? (Entertainment, to be updated, to stay healthy)

So getting to know your audiences like real people allows you to improve your brand value on social media.

Step 3: Follow up metrics

Staying active on multiple social platforms is not enough for social media marketing strategies. Your social media presence should be evaluated based on accurate data and KPIs. Moreover, too much focus on vanity metrics will not lead you to the right path.

So what are exactly social media metrics?


Your social media posts are meant to reach users. Post reach is the number of users who have seen your posts on their feeds.


It is the number of clicks your social media content gets. Click tracking helps brands to understand what drives the audience to click and buy.


Post-engagement is a crucial factor in SMM strategies. When the total number of social interactions is divided by the number of impressions, you can get the exact engagement rate for your content.

Hashtag campaigns

Well, hashtag performance can define a major social media marketing performance. The trending or most used hashtags can drive traffic to your site and shape your social media marketing strategies.

Step 4: Utilize social media

Isn’t it obvious that, for the right social media marketing strategies, you need social media? Well, you don’t have to be present on every social platform and waste your energy! You simply need to find out where your audiences are.

When you know the right marketing place for your brand, you automatically need quality content. Let’s see what those are.


In 2024 86% of marketers use videos for their marketing strategy. Clearly, video content is clearly breaking all the records and brings the best output.


Sharing your articles with links to the website helps your social media users know more about your brand. Moreover, you can share your product features, and updates along with influencing them to purchase.

User-generated content

User-generated content is a great way to expand social media marketing. When your users talk about you on their personal handles, appreciate them by sharing and amplifying your social presence.

Product photo

Let your users recognize your product. Be creative in posting your product images on social media to create a buzz.


Do you know 500 million Instagram Stories are posted every day? Facebook and Instagram these platforms have story options and you can get creative and filter your stories for better performance.


When you share data and numbers about your brand on social media, it helps the users to get an insight about you. And it is a faster way to display all the key points.


Asking questions to your users can change the whole game. Their reviews, suggestions, and demands direct the brands to upgrade their product and services.

GIFs and Memes

Social media is all about grabbing attention. GIFs and, business Memes are relevant and fun ways to engage with audiences and stand out.

Tips and tricks

Along with posting relevant content, share some tips and tricks on your social platform. Sharing useful content definitely grabs users’ attention and creates a buzz.

Polls and surveys

People love it when someone wants to know their opinion. And social media polls and surveys are super fun ways for an effective social media marketing strategy.

Hashtags and mentions

Do you know the power of hashtags campaigns and social media mentions? Brag about it on your social media and snatch all the attention.

Step 5: Analyze your competitors

There is bad news! Your competitors are already using social media and probably know a little better than you about social networking. And there is good news! Analyzing them allows you to know who your competition is and how they are doing in the market.

Moreover, focus on their SMM strategies, price, policy, product, and services to set your target for social media.

For example, one of your contemporaries excels on Twitter. However, they are not so active on Facebook or Instagram. Well, this is your spot. You can catch up with your audiences where they need assistance.

Step 6: Create brand awareness

A brand’s social media profile has a thousand things to consider. With prominent competitors and several potential social platforms, it’s quite hard to handle the right social media marketing strategies. The motto behind your SMM strategies definitely relies on creating brand awareness.

On top of that, you don’t want to be just another face in the crowd. Your brand should stand out and create awareness. To create brand awareness on social media, you should focus on some things-

  • Create quality content
  • Post regularly
  • Engage with your audiences
  • Conduct live streams
  • Collaborate with influencers
  • Build a community

Whether it is a big venture or a startup, brand awareness is an outstanding approach to social media marketing.

Step 7: Create user-engagement

To become successful in social media marketing, you need to engage with your audiences. Don’t just provide facts and infographics. Go beyond that tell a story, and share interactive posts so that they can relate to you. Moreover, do something fun. Post-friendly content like GIFs, memes, hashtags, and emojis.

Strategies for social media | user engagement

To build a relationship with your users, post your product information. Come up with promo videos, product images, features, and interactive blogs.

Furthermore, offer chat widgets to your website visitors so that your users can connect with you immediately. Try to reply to their queries ASAP and offer them a quick solution.

Looking for a solution?

Social media is the bridge between brands and marketing strategies. So to run a big venture or SME, you need to devise social media marketing strategies. However, maintaining social media activities alongside multiple platforms is stressful.

Creating content, posting them online, and continuing conversation is a tough job for the social media team. Moreover, it is time-consuming and expensive as well.

Regarding this matter, our social media marketing tip for balancing your workload and website conversion rate will be to integrate WP Social Ninja, the best social media plugin in the market. This all-in-one social media marketing tool has multiple social platforms, so you don’t have to configure social platforms manually!

Win your customers’ hearts with exceptional features

Discover how WP Social Ninja can assist you in designing outstanding customer experiences.

Demo image

With its sturdy features, you can make your website noticeable and distinctive. WP Social Ninja lets you display your social reviews from all the sites in a single place. That’s not all! You can also show off your social media feeds and enjoy social chat widgets with the most used social communication apps.

To stay connected, follow us on Twitter. And for more information, check out the user guidelines and contact the support team.

Piya Choudhury Avatar

Piya Choudhury

Being a social media enthusiast, I am passionate about real-life stories that connect with my readers. I mostly deal with social media marketing, user reviews, feeds & communication processes. And when I’m not writing, you’ll find me binge-watching on Netflix.

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