Instagram feed layout

Best Instagram Feed Layouts You Get at WP Social Ninja


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Your Instagram feed is like one of your best product showcasing sources. People come to your website and get amazed by the styles you’re showing your posts with different stylish Instagram feed layouts.

Have you ever thought about impressing your audience by showing your Instagram posts through Instagram feed layouts?

Let us show you in this blog;

What if you could bring that same wow-factor and useful info to your website, just like on your Instagram? With the right tool, you can do it perfectly.

Want to know more? Let’s start!

Why your Instagram feed layout matters

Before diving into the details about the Instagram photo layout or planning your Instagram feed, don’t you want to know why exactly you should use it?

Let’s imagine someone comes across your website and goes through it to check your content. Your Instagram photo layout is the chance to hold them on your posts and give them the vibe of your brand at the first glance!

First impressions are important, and to keep them up, this is the best visualization you can bring to your website to present your brand.

You can read the blog: How to Embed Instagram Feed on Website to Grow Your Business

Moreover, your grid/slider layout of Instagram posts is the easiest and quickest way to send your message to all. Also, when someone is impressed by your products showcasing on the website, they are also likely to follow you! Isn’t that what you want?

Let’s see more!

Instagram layout ideas

So, what’s the best and easiest way to shape up your Instagram posts on website? If you seek for expert’s opinion, choose the best tool.

WP Social Ninja, the all-in-one social media plugin, is here to provide the best solution for presenting your Instagram content on your website.

Instagram feed plugin - WP Social Ninja

As Instagram feed templates could be in different shapes and layouts, WP Social Ninja has more to offer you to decorate your Instagram feeds with multiple template layouts and design settings.

Instagram grid layout

Wait, are you thinking about extra expenditure? No worries, with WP Social Ninja, you can create an Instagram grid layout for free!

But why grid layout? Well, this is the most common yet cool makeover for your brand representation through Instagram posts.

Grid layout by WP Social Ninja
Grid layout by WP Social Ninja

The Grid Layout – an exhibition of your products easily and quickly. It’s not only about making things look good; the Grid layout is easy to scroll, and it’s like speaking a language that everyone gets.

So, if you’re thinking about promoting your business through Instagram posts on the website free, WP Social Ninja will be your best help. Just connect your account, create your Grid template, and customize it with unlimited features.

Next, one of the most demanding ones is the carousel layout. Finding some posts on Instagram and swiping the multiple images is fun, right?

When you present your Instagram content the same way on the website, that slider preview of your posts grabs the same attention and interest from your audiences.

Instagram Carousel layout
Instagram Carousel layout

WP Social Ninja, the all-in-one social media plugin has multiple template layouts, and among them, the carousel is the most popular one (You need to upgrade to the pro version to get this feature). It has multiple slider settings options to adjust the autoplay, number of slides to play, and navigation for a better preview.

Finally, if you’ve decided to upgrade your website and present your social media content stylishly, the Instagram carousel template by WP Social Ninja is the best choice.

Instagram masonry layout

Keeping the Instagram grid layout and carousel layout, you have Masonry if you want something different that gives your Instagram feed an extraordinary look.

This stylish template layout will let your posts be displayed in an organized manner, using intended aspect ratios. This means you are also allowing your audiences to view your posts in all their original ratios, from your website, whether images or videos.

Masonry layout by WP Social Ninja
Masonry layout by WP Social Ninja

If you’re also planning to use this on your WordPress website, WP Social Ninja is the best Instagram plugin for the job. With the setting options, you can make it more appealing by adding some extra custom styles.

N.B.: The Instagram masonry layout is one of WP Social Ninja’s premium plans. Use it when you are ready to upgrade your free plan. You will also get multiple templates and other options to decorate and filter Instagram feed.

Instagram feed design ideas

So, that’s the template layout style covered. But what other tricks can you use to give your Instagram feed that trendy, up-to-date vibe?

That’s where WP Social Ninja comes in with:

Hashtag feed

You might run a campaign or have any specific posts related to any current news or trend (where you’ve used specific/trending keywords). You can display them on your website with the option of a Hashtag feed.

Hashtag feed

In-depth Filtering option

When presenting your Instagram posts, it’s not enough to display them only with some template layouts. WP Social Ninja provides you with more functionalities so that you can customize your template exactly as you want.

You have options to organize your Grid or carousel template layouts with a fixed number of posts, Posts Order, and types of posts. You can also hide specific posts with specific keywords/hashtags.

If you want to know more about the Instagram widget, you can read the blog: Instagram widget for WordPress Website (Importance, Types, and Solution)

Custom style

Lastly, to give a final touch-up, we have a detailed settings panel for styling your templates.

You can change text colors, sizes, typography, spacing, and more to style the content of your feed! And don’t worry- you don’t need to have any coding knowledge to customize the style settings.

Custom Style

Want to know more about the custom style of WP Social Ninja? Read the blog: Complete Custom Style Editor for Your Website (No CSS or Theme Builders)

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Last words

Changing your Instagram feed layout starts with deciding how you want to give it a new look. So, are you ready to present your posts in a professional, unique, and smart look with the minimum effort?

Let’s start doing it with the best WordPress social media tool WP Social Ninja, which offers easy configuration and all advanced features from one simple dashboard. Show your brand is better than any other!

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Hridi Paul

Hridi here; a dreamer and ambivert who loves diving into exploring more. Wanna know what this slacker’s work cycle is? So, a cup of coffee, a good music and back to write!

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