How to Add Tripadvisor Reviews to Your Website (Simple Way)

Do you want to aggregate Tripadvisor reviews to your WordPress website?

Embedding social proofs on your website from the digital world opens so many doors for your business. Today the number of social media users is double the population of China. So social platforms are supremely influential in marketing your brands.

Talking about social sites, Tripadvisor is a US-based online travel company that functions with user-generated content. So in the next part of the article, we’ll guide you on how to add Tripadvisor reviews on your site with a social media plugin.

How to add Tripadvisor reviews to your website

For better performance on your website, you need a sturdy tool to take good care of your reviews. We suggest you get WP Social Ninja, the compact plugin. Moreover, WP Social Ninja will manage social feeds and social chat along with social reviews. Let’s dig deeper.

Tripadvisor configuration

To add Tripadvisor reviews, first of all, you need to integrate with the Tripadvisor server.

Tripadvisor reviews configuration
Tripadvisor Configuration

Next, you have to visit the Tripadvisor site to get the URL. After inserting your URL, if the inputs are correct, you will get a green Success message. 

Tripadvisor URL
Tripadvisor URL

To insert the URL, you need to visit the Tripadvisor site. Copy and paste the URL on Tripadvisor Configuration.

Tripadvisor configuration
Successful Configuration

Next, you have got your Tripadvisor reviews, and you will get a notification with a Success signal.

One thing to keep in mind is that loading reviews could take some time. However, this won’t take long. Contact our Support team for further queries.

Tripadvisor reviews features

WP Social Ninja is a social plugin full of features. It can collect your Tripadvisor reviews and personalize the reviews to make your website look more engaging. Let’s take a look at how to do that.


To set up your Tripadvisor reviews, you need to select the platform, click on the Source button from the dashboard, a drop-down menu will appear.


Here, you can select a platform or multiple platforms. For demonstration, we’ll select Tripadvisor.

Tripadvisor reviews

Once you select the platform, all the Tripadvisor reviews will come automatically on your website.


Next, click on the Template button, a drop-down menu will appear. From here, you can adjust the Layout Type, Template Type, and Number of Columns.

Layout Type

WP Social Ninja has three Types of Layout right now: Grid, Slider & Masonry. Pick any layout types to give your website a new look!

Tripadvisor reviews Layout Type
Layout Type

We’ve selected Grid Layout Type here; you can select any for displaying Tripadvisor reviews.

Template Types

In this section, we can set up the Template Types. We’ve nine Template Types at the moment.

Tripadvisor reviews template types
Template Types

Vega, Spica, Sirius, Rigel, Procyon, Pollux, Mimosa, Hadar, and Deneb. We’ve selected Vega; you can select any that can suit your website.

Number of Columns

Next, we’ve the Number of Columns. To select this, click on the arrow sign, a drop-down menu will appear.

Number of columns
Number of Columns

We’ve 1 Column to 4 Columns right now. For demonstration purposes, 3 Columns are selected to display the Tripadvisor reviews. You can choose any that looks good on your brand.


WP Social Ninja has a detailed Filters option, so you can customize your settings to match your brand. Let’s see the options.

Number of Reviews

Click on the arrow sign from your WP Social Ninja dashboard to select your Number of Reviews.

Tripadvisor reviews number of reviews
Number of Reviews

Select the number of Tripadvisor reviews that you want to display for your website.

Filters by Minimum Rating

Your business doesn’t need to show off every single rating on your website. Here, filter your ratings and display the best ones that you’ve got!

Filters by minimum rating
Filters by Minimum Rating

You’ll have six options to choose from No Minimum Rating to Five Stars to display your reviews. Here, we have selected No Minimum Rating; you can pick any.


In the next part, you can arrange your online reviews in a particular Order.

Tripadvisor reviews Order

You can select the Ascending or Descending option to display your reviews on your website.

Filter by Reviews Title

In this part, you can filter the reviews! Yes, some reviews may be included among all the reviews, whereas some are better to be excluded from the reviews gallery.  

We have three options at the moment, in the Filter by Reviews Title. You can choose to select All Tripadvisor reviews or may Include/Exclude any.

Filters by reviews title
Filter by Reviews Title

If you click on the Include button, a drop-down menu will appear.

Tripadvisor reviews Include

WP Social Ninja allows you to pick specific reviews by the reviewer names to display their reviews on your website.


There will be reviews you won’t want to display on your website. Click on the Exclude button; you can eliminate the specific Tripadvisor reviews by their names.

Tripadvisor reviews exclude

Once you’re finished, click on the Save button to preserve the changes.

Tripadvisor reviews Settings

WP Social Ninja is a jam-packed feature tool. Moreover, you can customize every single setting to decorate your website that suits your brand perfectly.

Follow the instructions below to adjust your Tripadvisor reviews display settings.

Display Rating

If you want to change your Display Ratings? Click on the Display ratings and take control of it.

Tripadvisor reviews display rating
Display Rating

Turn the button on to display the reviews on your website. If you don’t want to display the Tripadvisor reviews, turn off the button to hide the reviews.

Rating Style

Next is Rating Style. WP Social Ninja allows you to change your Rating Style from the given three options.

Tripadvisor rating rating style
Rating Style

Default, Number Style Rating, and Icon with Number Style Rating are available right now.

Pick any style for your website!

Display Reviewer Name

Privacy is the most important part of any website. And WP Social Ninja lets you do an in-depth integration to secure users’ privacy. Like Rating Style, you can take control of your Display Reviewer Name as well.

Display reviewer name
Display Reviewer Name

Here, we have turned on the button. You can turn off the button if you don’t want to display the Reviewer Name on your website.

Display Reviewer Image

As we’ve said, WP Social Ninja has all the necessary things that can secure users’ privacy.

In the Display Reviewer Image section, you can stop the images being displayed on the website.

Tripadvisor reviews display reviewer image
Display Reviewer Image

Turn on the reviewer image button; to display the images on your site. However, turning off the button will hide the image.

Display Platform Icon

The next feature is Display Platform Icon. Turn off the filter icon if you want to adjust the platform icon.

Display Platform Icon

In order to do that, click the button to enable or disable.

Equal Height

The following filter is Equal Height. Adjust your text height by turning on/off the button.

Equal height
Equal Height

If you turn it on, all the reviews will be in Equal Height, as you can see in the screenshot.

Moreover, you can adjust the height according to the text. To do that, click on the Plus/Minus button.

Display Review Text

After you adjust your Equal Height, you can change your Reviewer Text and Content-Length from your dashboard.

Tripadvisor reviews Display review text
Display Review Text

Here, if you disable the Display Reviewer Text button, then you won’t be able to display the Content-Length.

However, if you want to align in the same horizontal line for your reviews section, then enable the Content-Length button.

Display Date

WP Social Ninja has an excellent settings panel that can control your Display Date too. Besides, we have four different options to rearrange your Date Format on your website.

Display date
Display Date

However, in case you don’t like to keep the date displayed on the website, turn the button off.

Header Settings

Previously we’ve already seen WP Social Ninja allows the users to play with the settings panel. In the next part, we’ll discuss Tripadvisor reviews Header Settings.

Header Settings

In this part, four Layout options are available in the WP Social Ninja dashboard; Display Title, Display Rating, Display Number of Reviews, and Display Write a Review Button.

Display Title

If you click on the Display Title, the Business name will be displayed on the Front End.

Display Rating

Next is Display Rating. You can tick mark the box to display the rating. However, untick the box if you don’t want to show off your Display Rating. 

Moreover, if you select multiple platforms, Google and Yelp, the average display rating will appear on your site.

Display Number of Reviews

If you turn on the Display Number of Reviews button, the total number of reviews will be displayed on your website.

Display Number of Reviews

Display Write a Review Button

In this section, a Call To Action button will appear on your website. Your users can give their reviews from the CTA button. Moreover, for multiple platforms, this CTA will take to the individual sites.

Pagination Settings

A long list of reviews is monotonous and lengthy sometimes. Well, here in this Pagination Settings part, we can fix this. Let’s follow the instructions below.

Tripadvisor reviews pagination settings
Pagination Settings

Pagination Type has two options currently. You can pick any from None or Load More. If you select the Load More option, it’ll ask you to adjust your Reviews Per Page number.

Reviews Per Page

Here, in this Review Per Page, you can adjust the review number for every page on your website from the scroll bar.

After you’ve completed, the Tripadvisor reviews customization, make sure you click on the Save Template button to preserve all your changes.

Ending notes

Adding social media reviews on your website not just creates word of mouth marketing; it provides excellent user engagement. Here enters WP Social Ninja, the all-in-one social networking tool for your WordPress website.

We hope the article was sufficient enough for you for a better understanding. Check out our other blogs to know about the wide range of WP Social Ninja-

WP Social Ninja

Try WP Social Ninja today and see for yourself!

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