Year in review 2022

WP Social Ninja Year in Review 2022: Reflecting Achievements & Key Glimpses


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2022 is almost gone; all we can say is it was a super productive year!

As we embrace the start of a new year, let’s look back on what WP Social Ninja’s 2022 was really about. First of all, we thank you for your trust and for keeping faith in our major to minor improvements that we’ve implemented to improve the WP Social Ninja for your social media marketing.

We all know every year naturally has its few defining moments, but this time, the whole year has been such a ride of a space jet. This year was not only crucial for us; it was also a defining moment again for the WordPress community as a whole. Now, it’s time to throw back on what we’ve executed and brought you.

Check out everything we have achieved in 2022. You can also find some amazing features we have already projected for 2023.

Let’s get started with WP Social Ninja Year in Review 2022 now!

2022 in numbers

Now for the exciting part! Over 2022, we could push out all the significant figures and changes. We can’t possibly go into detail on all of the changes, so we’ll cover the major parts.

  • 9K+ active installation milestones touched
  • 67K+ downloads
  • 13+ releases and product updates
  • 143 knowledge-base articles and how-to blog posts
  • 2.1K Twitter followers
  • 1.5k Facebook community members
  • 27 product-related YouTube videos
  • 100% customer satisfaction based on 28 five-star reviews

Introduced new features with regular product updates

Despite all the concerns and inconveniences, our team continued to strive and work harder. And these ongoing efforts conveyed our features that have been loved and all warmly welcomed.

The year 2022 has given us so much to be proud of, from releasing the Facebook feed to the Testimonial feature, Notification Popup to the Shoppable Instagram feed, and more. Let’s see:

Facebook feed

As promised, in 2021, we introduced the Facebook feed at the beginning of 2022- the widely valued product update with many glossy features.

WP Social Ninja: Facebook feed

Our goal with WP Social Ninja’s Facebook feed was to provide outstanding functionalities, ease of growth, and top-notch support. We released this basic feature for free, and you have to buy pro for the diversified feature.

Notification Popup

This year, WP Social Ninja released a Notification Popup feature to dynamically display your important notifications, like your social reviews and others. Our users loved this feature, and it was only for the pro users.

Year in review: Notification Popup
Notification Popup

Apart from this, we have been maintaining to keep the feature’s race with the other competitors.


WP Social Ninja takes all suggestions and feedback seriously. We truly mean it when we respond to your messages or tweets by saying that we’ll forward them to our team working on research and development.

WP Social Ninja 3.6.0

Throughout 2022, we got massive feature requests for Testimonial and others, so we successfully shipped them. We made it even better by releasing full functional Testimonial features and many noticeable features on version 3.6.0.

Export/Import custom reviews

The Export-Import custom reviews feature can smoothly export and import your custom business reviews in your store or another website. Our users have been looking for this option for a long time, and we have offered this feature in 2022.

Year in review: Export Import custom reviews
Export/Import custom reviews

With WP Social Ninja, importing/exporting custom reviews from the available website becomes effortless. Now all the reviews you can export in a CSV file format with all related data and information.


Manual-Sync is one of the most amazing features we’ve added to the release in 2022. Instead of working with predefined auto-sync terms, you can trigger your Manual-Sync button whenever possible.

Year in review: Manual-Sync option
Manual-Sync Example

Remember that this new option is only useful to Social Review section. Earlier, in our auto-sync option, we had to set a predefined time, like one hour. So within the one-hour time limit, we had nothing to do.

Access Token Generate Page

We also introduced Access Token Generate Page in WP Social Ninja this year. To avoid credential issues, we have introduced this feature.

Access token generator page
Access Token Generator Page Example

Because many users felt they needed to be more free and safe in sharing their Instagram business credentials or other account-related details with their developers. To solve this issue, we have brought this feature, and from now on, you don’t need to share any information with anyone.

Shoppable Instagram Feed

Most days of the year in 2022, our development team perpetually moved through marathon hours of coding to develop the Shoppable Instagram feed. Even at the end of the year, we didn’t stop and introduced a new Instagram Shoppable feed for our users.

WP Social Ninja 3.8.0

The feature is now way more user-friendly than its prototypes. And here, the team added all the user-generated features to make business marketing easier for Instagram business managers and all the WordPress social media plugin users.

Responsive query

The internet is transforming, with responsive content and websites quickly adapting to new devices and screen sizes to bring visitors a new and user-friendly environment with the most dynamic experience possible.

Responsive query options
Responsive query options

We added a responsiveness query to solve this case on our WP Social Ninja 3.7.0 product update in 2022. So now you can check the responsive issues before publishing your social content. In this update, three device options are available, which means you can check the responsive issues from desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.

Custom style editor

This year, WP Social Ninja, the all-in-one social media plugin, introduced a Custom style editor feature for social media feeds and social review widgets.

So now you can edit your styles of each element more precisely and effectively without any external help. That means you can solve the issues without fixing CSS or getting help from the page builder. This will be considered one of the significant updates of the year 2022.

Dashboard UI design improvements

To accelerate your experience process, you won’t find any answer other than the stunning UI design improvements for the dashboard. This year too, we made sure to keep the heritage of adding new features for all our users.

Dashboard setting panel UI design improvements
UI design improvements

Team Ninjas believe building an interactive and improved UI design can outrank your competitors. That’s why we have worked rigorously to bring an attractive UI setting panel for our users.

Other noteworthy feature updates and improvements

This year, we introduced numerous new features that we couldn’t possibly list all! So we’ll just review the major changes and updates to our service below.

  • Facebook Feed Elementor Widget
  • Facebook Feed Oxygen Widget
  • Facebook Feed Beaver Widget
  • Responsive slider option
  • Translator option in settings
  • Testimonial templates
  • YouTube Feed custom banner upload option
  • Twitter Item Box style option
  • Migrate Google my business APP
  • Reviews title for amazon, tripadvisor, trustpilot, aliexpress,
  • Template Style Module for all platform
  • Responsive column breakpoint option for all platform
  • Show/hide reviews by specific words option
  • Hide date option for reviews
  • Collect testimonials using Fluent Forms
  • Hide Facebook feed shared posts features
  • Reviews sorting option in the admin panel
  • Read more/less styling option for the elementor reviews widget
  • Filter hook for reviews platform icon
  • Class name in all HTML elements
  • Header title option for Fluent Forms channel in Chat widgets

Received positive reviews from users

Positive reviews reassure possible clients that they can trust the brand, products, or services. That’s why customer insight has always been a core part of our growth at WP Social Ninja. Throughout 2022, we got excellent feedback and positive reviews from our clients. Till now, we have 28 customer reviews, and all the reviews are five-star!

Year in review 2022: WP Social Ninja User Reviews
WP Social Ninja User Reviews for2022

Though the number is not huge, these small tokens of appreciation touched our hearts and gave us fuel to go beyond our limits.

Published a range of helpful articles and documentation

We have published many knowledge-based articles and how-to tutorials over the year, and many of you have found them helpful. In addition, we have improved our documentation section so that users can access written materials for a seamless user experience.

We have continued to publish tips and tutorials about WP Social Ninja, social media marketing, and many more topics you have appreciated and enjoyed.

Here are a few of the most well-liked blog posts and tutorials:

Customer support grew by 70%

We have concentrated on developing a lucrative support team to give our customers a light-years-ahead experience when resolving issues. We are attempting to resolve your issues with the new and increased number of support engineers.

So, in order to continuously address your issues, we have dramatically expanded the number of customer support teams and specialists.

Celebrated Social Ninja’s 1st anniversary

On 23rd September, WP Social Ninja celebrated its first birthday! It’s not easy to believe that it’s been a year already! As a team, it is a remarkable achievement for all of us.

We kept thinking about our journey and how we had come this far throughout the day. Even though It was a touching moment for all of us, we didn’t miss the party to celebrate to the fullest. 

Winning awards and recognition

Awards and mentions from reputed platforms can extend your product’s overall reputation, placing you “apart from the crowd.” They can also give your people an enthusiastic boost by spotlighting accomplishments.

And we can proudly say WP Social Ninja won the first prize in the WP Awards 2022 in the niche plugin section. Even different prominent companies nominated our plugin this year, but we made it happen. Thanks to you!

Other flashbacks of 2022

The year 2022 has been remarkable in several ways. It leaves us with many wonderful memories we will also hold in the coming days. But besides releasing different key features, we have something more notable to mention here.

Team Ninja expanded

Building a great team is the secret to a business with great success and hierarchy. Our team became even stronger as more capable individuals joined the Ninja family to deliver groundbreaking features.

WP Manage Ninja Team Expanded

Throughout 2022, our company (WP Manage Ninja) hired 30 new members. The whole team is now more inventive and full of ideas. They have the highest capabilities to turn ideas into innovation. So, you can stay satisfied with WP Social Ninja, and our good hands stimulate your beloved products.

Started our journey with the new HQ

We dream big at WP Social Ninja and do even more influential. This year, we’ve remodeled our HQ with a more dynamic style and facilities for our passionate team.

Night view of our new HQ
Start a new journey with our new HQ

It’s an amazing experience and accomplishment for all of us to move successfully to a new place and start our journey more energetically!

WP Social Ninja's workplace
WP Social Ninja’s dynamic workplace

Even when I was writing this piece of year in review, I was there in the remodeled HQ. It’s a delightful moment for everyone, including me.

Improved our YouTube channel

Improvising our YouTube channel (WP Mange Ninja) was another challenging task, even hiring quality team members for our MGD team. At the year’s end, we can proudly say that we have achieved our yearly target.

Our strategy helped us publish 50+ new videos on diversified and product-related topics to help each of our users.

Support for the WordPress community

WordPress is a free open-source software project. That is why the WordPress community invites everyone, including you, to contribute. Whether you are a developer, writer, or just a regular user makes no difference.

There are numerous ways you can help if anyone wants to get involved. With this as their guiding principle, our developers began contributing to WordPress. As a result, in 2022, six company members contributed to WordPress and became core WordPress contributors.

WordPress 6.1 Contributors
WordPress 6.1 Contributors from Authlab

Moreover, here you will find Deb Nath Utpol (WP Social Ninja’s Head of Engineer) as core contributors to this major release.

WordPress Core Contributor from WP Social Ninja and WP Manage Ninja
WordPress Core Contributor from WP Social Ninja and WP Manage Ninja

Without any doubt, this was one of the biggest achievements for us in 2022. We anticipate a much larger and more diverse contribution in the upcoming years.

Donation for WordPress foundation

We believe every coin matters. That’s why WP Manage Ninja, our core brand, has been trying to contribute to educational programs like charity hackathons and different open-source educational events. You can also donate from the one-time or annual plan.

Donation for WordPress foundation
Donation for WordPress foundation

Our team’s contributions will ensure free access to supported software projects, protect the WordPress trademark, and provide financial support to various programs. These programs are educational to expand knowledge of WordPress and open-source development.

Attended multiple WordCamps

Wow! What an unforgettable gathering was there under one roof. In 2006, Matt Mullenweg hosted the first WordCamp in San Francisco. There were numerous WordPress users and developers presentations during the one-day conference, which about 500 people attended. Since then, local communities worldwide have arranged hundreds of other WordCamps yearly.

Yes, we were not lagging. We also joined two major WordCamps in a row, which were the most eventful WordCamp for our team in 2022. One was in Europe, and the other was in Kathmandu, Nepal. Along with our CEO, CMO, Director of Engineering, Head of Support, and Motion Graphis, even other notable officials from WP Manage Ninja attended the event.

Notabe officials from WP Manage Ninja
Team WPManageNinja attending WordCamp Kathmandu 2022.

They contributed to its success in knowledge exchange, network building, and, most importantly, business deals or collaborations with other brands.

WordPress community meetups

We have an energetic WordPress Community meetup team, and they arranged multiple community meetups over 2022. These meetups were a series of workshops regarding WordPress learning and experience-sharing activities. For more information, you can read the article regarding recent meetups.

Our meetup gathered people interested in WordPress who wanted to meet others in their local community. There was no experience required. As a result, higher WordPress experts, developers, designers, marketers, visual content creators, end-users, professionals, and others attended the event, making the events more meaningful by sharing their experiences.

WP Social Ninja’s roadmap for 2023

Now, our team is more dynamic than ever. They are working hard behind the spotlight to furnish the brand more creatively. That’s why we are more confident than ever, and we have a new feature list in the backpack that you will appriciate.

But, without your endless support, it could not be possible; so many thanks for being with us; the future will be more feature rich and amazing.

Here we would like to disclose some great key points:

  • WooCommerce Reviews 
  • Social Wall Feed
  • GDPR Compliant              
  • Plugin template settings UI and more

Big surprise waiting

In 2022 we got diversified requests from the WP Social Ninja community. Among them, few were most requested throughout the year. That’s why the team is working hard and are thrilled to bring these on the board.

Big surprise waiting for 2023
Big surprise waiting for 2023

We promise the wait will be over soon, so see you the next year!

Wrapping up

Despite the ups and downs of 2022, the circumstances have also tried to guide us to concentrate completely on the basic things. We made legitimate collaborations with customers and business partners, grew as a team, and spent quality moments with our family members and friends.

In 2023, the main focus is on what matters most, like new features, updates, and overall improvements! We toast to fresh starts and new possibilities! Stay with us; we guarantee not to let you down with our hard work and continuous progress.

We appreciate your continued support and wish you all a Merry Christmas! We hope to see you in 2023.

Shahjahan Jewel Avatar

Shahjahan Jewel

Hello, this is Jewel, CEO & Head of Ideas at WPManageNinja. I am obsessed with WordPress since 2009. My aim is to be a user-centric developer first, and a serial entrepreneur second. You will find me discussing various tech issues and trying to come up with scalable solutions on different forums when I am not busy coding.

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