Embed Google Reviews

How to Embed Google Reviews on Your WordPress Website (Part 1)


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Looking for a simple way to embed Google reviews on your WordPress website? 

Over the years, Google has become more than just a search engine. It is the one platform that always comes to our mind whenever we look for an answer or solution, or direction.

Lately, business reviews matter the most, whether it is a giant company or a startup. And following that, Google reviews are equally important for businesses. Studies show that 62% of consumers check reviews before purchasing anything.

So reviews are a significant factor for the brands and the consumers too. However, businesses need review plugins to fetch reviews from multiple platforms in one place. So it would help if you had a reliable tool to reinforce your business.

We suggest you get WP Social Ninja by WP Manage Ninja, the all-in-one WordPress review plugin. In this article, you’ll learn about the easiest way to add Google reviews to your WordPress website.

What are Google reviews?

When your customers have had a good experience, they are more than happy to write a positive review for the business. Similarly, an unsatisfied customer will leave a negative review. So in both ways, you can’t ignore reviews.

Moreover, 72% of customers won’t buy anything if they don’t find any reviews. And among all the reviews, Google reviews are top-rated today. Google is the biggest search engine. Furthermore, there are no other platforms celebrated like Google.

Google reviews: Authlab reviews
Google reviews

Social reviews help to rank in search engine optimization. If your business gets good reviews, it’s easier for the audience to find you. So it naturally generates organic traffic for the business.

Moreover, after reading the reviews, the reader may click on the link to visit the website. So Google reviews also improve click-through rates.

It is hassle-free to give a Google review to a business. After you search and find the company, scroll down and click on the Write a review button. Once you have written the detailed review and selected the stars, click on the Post button.

How to embed Google reviews on your WordPress website

Not long ago, brands were in a powerful position, and they used to control everything. In 2021 scenarios have entirely changed. Moreover, audiences influence the whole business. 

Are you wondering about what makes customers so influential? Well, social media reviews are the direct thoughts coming straight from the customers regarding any brand. Clearly, reviews dominate the entire industry. People read those comments and check the ratings before making purchase decisions.

In the next part, we will describe embedding Google reviews on your WordPress website.

Google reviews configuration

Businesses work hard to get reviews from users. And Google is the most popular platform for anyone to look out for a particular query. Embedding reviews on your website is simple when you use a robust plugin like WP Social Ninja.

WP Social Ninja: Google reviews

To add Google reviews to your website, you need to connect with the Google server to collect the reviews; WP Social Ninja has made it super easy for you.

Google My Business review
Google My Business

Select Google from All Platforms and add Google reviews to your website.

First of all, you need to obtain Google Access Code.

Google reviews configuration
Google Configuration

Click on the Sign In And Get Google Access Code to get the Access Code. After you click on this button, it will open up a new window. Once you are done, select the email associated with your Google My Business account.

Step 1

Continue with your business account.

WP Social Ninja google reviews
Choose an account

The next step is to select your email account to move forward with WP Social Ninja.

Step 2

Now to access the permission, click on the Allow button.

Grant Permission form
Allow continuing
WP Social Ninja Google configuration
Click Allow

Step 3

For the next step, copy the Access Code, and paste it to insert it into the Google Configuration page to Configure Google My Business.

Access code page
Copy Access Code

Step 4

Google configuration verify code
Verify Code

Don’t forget to click on the Verify Code button to get the Google reviews on your site.

Step 5

Next, a dropdown menu will appear. Now select your business location to get your reviews.

Google configuration successful verification
Successful Verification

So there you have it! All the reviews are in front of you right now. Moreover, the location and stars have also appeared. 

How to Create a Template

Along with easy configuration WP Social Ninja focuses on Template types as well. This plugin has elegant pre-built templates to make your website look exquisite.

In the next section, we will show you how to Create a Template for Google reviews using WP Social Ninja. Let’s get into it-

Google configuration page
Create a Template

After obtaining your Business URL, you can Create a template. To do that, click on the blue button, Create a Template.

Platform section
Platform Section

WP Social Ninja has a magnificent editor panel. Once you click on the Create a Template button, you are automatically taken to the editing section.

A drop-down menu will show up. Here you can see all the available platforms. Select Google to get reviews for your business.

Platform section
Google | Platforms

All the Google reviews appear automatically as you have selected Google. However, you are also allowed to select more than one platform or all the platforms to fetch the reviews on your site.

Save template button
Save Template

Now you can click on the Save Template button.

How to use Shortcode

Undoubtedly, WP Social Ninja is a complete plugin. And to provide a better experience for the users, the team has made this plugin especially user-friendly. 

Once you have configured the reviews, you have to embed the reviews on your website. And to do that, Shortcodes will help you. The Shortcodes will allow you to put your reviews anywhere. 

And for that, you don’t have to be a tech-savvy person. Anyone can operate this plugin without any prior knowledge.

To use your Shortcode go to All Templates.

Google reviews shortcodes
Shortcode | All Templates

Here, you can see all the Shortcodes.

Copy shortcode
Edit | Delete | Duplicate Shortcode

For the next step, you can click to copy Shortcode or Edit your previous Templates from this editing panel. And the best part is once you’ve created a Shortcode, you don’t have to create it again.

Where to put Shortcodes

Shortcodes make it easier to add elements to your WordPress websites as you can keep your Shortcode in any place on the page, like page builder, post, or maybe on the sidebar.

Google reviews place shortcodes
Place Shortcode

Here, you can click on the Pages and select New Page. Next, paste your Shortcode, as shown in the screenshot above. And you’re ready to go!

Don’t worry about the rest of the settings. We have an in-depth embed Google reviews settings part 2 article for you!

Concluding words

We hope this article helped you understand embedding Google reviews on website. You have also learned about an exclusive review plugin that can render all the social reviews under one platform.

Embed Google reviews: Google reviews for your WordPress websites
Embed Google Reviews

Moreover, installing a review plugin like WP Social Ninja will offer you social feeds and social chat on your website. So it is an extra privilege for the brands to get feeds and chats along with reviews.

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Piya Choudhury Avatar

Piya Choudhury

Being a social media enthusiast, I am passionate about real-life stories that connect with my readers. I mostly deal with social media marketing, user reviews, feeds & communication processes. And when I’m not writing, you’ll find me binge-watching on Netflix.

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