Reasons Why Your WordPress Site is Incomplete Without a Social Media Tool


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Let’s say you are investing your valuable time and resources in building a social media presence. Your group is putting in all its energy, and you’re getting traction. But none of this is translating to your WordPress store or your sales! Sounds frustrating?

Manually connecting social channels is a daunting task and time-consuming too. However, a social media tool can decrease your strain here. A social media plugin is a fun way to direct your website visitors and users to your social media. Connecting with your customers on different platforms builds a strong user engagement. Moreover, word of mouth marketing in social networks boosts brand potential and sales rate.

Although some social tools might bring down your website speed, a sturdy WordPress tool will never hamper your site. Besides, it will strengthen your WordPress site’s performance and attract visitors. Most importantly, a social media tool will come with multiple social sites, so you have the privilege to embed with several platforms.

What is a social media tool? 

Utilizing social media is the best way to improve your site traffic and search ranking. And nothing but a social media tool can track your social networking activity, for instance, likes, shares, comments, reviews, feeds, and chats.

Well, if we dig deeper and ask why get a social media plugin for your website? First of all, social media is the ideal place for your user engagement or word of mouth marketing. Audience engagement on social platforms is the road to your goal. Moreover, social media platforms help your brand get insight from your niche. And a social tool will manage everything right from filtering to increasing the activity.

What is a social media tool? 

Secondly, online shopping is the most common form of shopping today. However, before customers buy something, they always research the website and look for social proof. But in most cases, labels are not so comfortable to display the low rating and negative reviews. Your social plugin is a great relief here. It allows you to include or exclude particular reviews, and your website looks like a five-star one!

Thirdly, your social media feeds are full of user-generated content. Embedding them on your site strengthens your brand. It gives your users a reason to have faith in the label. And the good news is a social media tool can do all the things you were looking for in a WordPress plugin.

Lastly, the most important part of any website is communicating with your website visitors and existing customers. Without a proper communication channel, brands are incomplete. And the right tool integration will let you add Chat Widget on your site to connect with your visitors immediately.

Why do you need a social media tool for your WordPress site?

Collaborating with social media increases your chance to get more website visitors. Along with the brand’s reach, it creates a road to loyal audiences. And that’s why your WordPress website needs a social media tool. It diverts your followers to your website and opens doors to engage more! 

Think about the last article that you have posted on your website. One of your readers loved it and wanted to share it with their friends and family on social sites. Although the quality content you have to do everything manually without a proper social media tool. And you may lose the opportunity of your content to get noticed.

Moreover, a social tool will always come up with some updated features. So that your WordPress website can shine a little more. Here’s more-

Social reviews

Online reviews are one of the most trusted recommendations for any brand. For example, when you are planning to visit a new place, the first thing you would do is look for user-generated content, reviews, and recommendations. And if there is no rating, you might end up replacing it with a new place.

A website looks pretty suspicious in today’s age if it doesn’t have any testimonials. And the fact is 9 out of 10 customers read online reviews before they make any purchase. Moreover, the impact of reviews is so strong that negative reviews have some potential too. A bad review has the power to make the website look more authentic. Despite there are some myths and misconceptions about social media reviews, people still like to go through them to know more about the company.

Furthermore, reviews and ratings will improve your local search results and website ranking. Star ratings on your website are a sign that your business has a certain standard. And your website visitors understand the quality of your brand.

So embedding social proofs from multiple social platforms improves your site’s conversion rate and brings a lot of traffic. And to do it without any hassle, a social media tool can help to fetch all the social reviews to your website automatically.

Social feeds

Today, social media feeds are probably the most powerful social proof to integrate on your WordPress website. Simply put, when you create your website, you consciously add interesting content to attract your site visitors. Moreover, finding out what others are saying about your brand builds trust and authenticity between both parties.  

Social media feeds

Well, a social media tool can automatically fetch all the social feeds and improve brand credibility. Social feeds give an aesthetic look to the website and users can get hooked with the eye-catching visuals. Also, showcasing feeds on websites improves user engagement and gives a strong push to increase followers. Furthermore, your brand’s social media posts have a great potential to bring back visitors to your site and talk about you.

For example, social platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube have original content posted by the brand. And a social media tool aggregates these posts, tweets, images, and videos to the websites; users can react to it without even visiting the social platforms manually. So they don’t have to juggle on every other social networking site.

Similarly, embedding multiple social media feeds on your sites allows the social media users to click on the website CTA button and drive more traffic to the website as well.

Social chat

A social media tool naturally takes care of your testimonials and social feeds. What if a WordPress plugin can also speed up your social chat with the most used communication channels? Well, if you integrate your WordPress website with an all-in-one social media plugin, it has the potential to manage everything on your site.

Social apps like Messenger, WhatsApp, and Telegram can be a solution to your long-awaited customers. For example, your dedicated support team is active 24/7 to provide guidance to any kind of problem. However, reaching out to the support team via tickets sometimes takes time. Social chat can resolve the issues immediately, and users don’t need to wait for an uncertain time.

Moreover, embedding Chat Widget gives an opportunity to turn your website visitors into buyers. Although sales campaigns and social media marketing strategies certainly boost sales, you still directly conduct a conversation to offer more! Integrating a social media tool for online chat offers fewer arrangements with more outcomes. One person can simultaneously chat with at least three customers and resolve their issues.

Lastly, bringing traffic to your website requires SEO and social media marketing. However, if you are not using your social chat widget leads, you can’t improve business credibility in the long run.

Social media tool | A complete solution

Other than producing quality products and offering services, what is the most important purpose of a business? If we keep it concise-

  • Building a brand
  • Responsibility towards society and
  • Maximizing profit

Above mentioned three purposes are not possible to acquire without any social media presence. In this social media marketing driven era, businesses are completely dependent on social media. And without social media integration on your WordPress website, you might not get what you expect.

WP Social Ninja

Try WP Social Ninja today and see for yourself!

A social media tool plays the most important part. It manages your social networking sites by just installing them on your website. We suggest you get WP Social Ninja, the all-in-one social media tool for your WordPress website, to improve your overall social media experience.

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Piya Choudhury

Being a social media enthusiast, I am passionate about real-life stories that connect with my readers. I mostly deal with social media marketing, user reviews, feeds & communication processes. And when I’m not writing, you’ll find me binge-watching on Netflix.

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