View Categories Reviews | Social Reviews | WP Social Ninja

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WP Social Ninja enables you to showcase reviews directly from your business profile, adding credibility to your business and enhancing trust among potential customers. With this feature, you can create customized templates to make your reviews look more appealing and aligned with your website’s style.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to display reviews on your website.

You’ll need WP Social Ninja Pro to access and display reviews on your site.

Enable Platform #

Navigate to your WP Social Ninja dashboard and select Platform from the navigation bar. Locate the Booking Platform and click on the Settings icon to configure it.

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Steps to Configure Reviews  #

Before fetching reviews from using your Business Profile URL, you need to complete three additional steps:

  1. Copy the Cookie AWS-WAF-Token Cookie Value from the Site
  2. Add the AWS-WAF-Token  Cookie Value to a Snippet

Below is a step-by-step guide to complete these settings:

Copy the Cookie AWS-WAF-Token #

Open and navigate to the business profile whose reviews you want to display on your website.

Access your browser’s Inspect mode (usually by right-clicking on the page and selecting “Inspect”).

In the Inspect mode, go to the Application tab and select Cookies.

Search for the AWS-WAF-Token in the cookies list then copy the value of the AWS-WAF-Token cookie and save it for later use.

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Add the AWS-WAF-Token in a Snippet #

To use the AWS-WAF-Token cookie value you copied earlier, you’ll need to add it to your site using a code snippet. This can be done easily with a snippet plugin.

We recommend using FluentSnippet on your WordPress site for a seamless experience. However, you can use any other snippet plugin of your choice.

Follow these steps to add the code snippet:

  1. Open FluentSnippet and click on the Create Snippet button.
  2. In the code editor field, insert the following code:

add_filter('wpsocialreviews/booking_header_request_cookie_set', function($headers) {

    $headers['cookie'] = 'aws-waf-token=Cookie value goes here';

    return $headers;

  1. Replace Cookie value goes here with the AWS-WAF-Token value you copied earlier.
  2. Save the snippet to apply the changes. 
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Business URL from Booking #

Navigate to your business profile on and copy the Business URL directly from the address bar of your browser. 

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Next, return to your WP Social Ninja Booking Configuration and paste the Business Profile URL you copied earlier. Click on the Save button, and you’ll see that your business has been successfully added.

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If you wish to add another business profile, simply click on the Add More Business button and repeat the same steps.

To customize your Reviews Template, click on the Create a Template button and start personalizing your template. Keep in mind, if you don’t create a template, your reviews won’t be displayed, as the template won’t be created automatically.

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That’s how you can easily fetch your business profile reviews on your site using WP Social Ninja. If you have any further questions or need assistance with this process, feel free to contact us. We’re here to help!

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