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Instagram Feed Layout I Social Feeds I WP Social Ninja

3 min read

WP Social Ninja Instagram Feed has several feed types and unique features to highlight your brand. Moreover, these features give you specific filters to decorate your website according to your brand.

Instagram Feed Layout #

Let’s check out how to customize Instagram Feed Layout.

Source #

Click on the Source button to change the Instagram Layout Type. And a Feed Type drop-down menu will appear.

Feed Type #

In this section, we have three types of Feeds; Account, Hashtag, and Tagged.

However, Hashtag and Tagged account types are for Instagram Business Account.

Here, for demonstration purposes, we will go with Account Feed Type.

Instagram feed layout user account
Account Feed Type

After you select the Account feed type, you need to select a User Account. Once you select the User Account WPManageNinja, click on the Fetch Feeds button.

select a user account Instagram feed type
Select a User Account

All the Instagram feeds will appear automatically on your website.

Remember, users can fetch from multiple accounts.

Template #

You can see the Template option on the right side of the settings panel. Click on the Template button, and a drop-down menu will appear.

Instagram feed layout template type
Layout Type

At the moment we have three Layout Types available; Grid, Carousel, and Masonry.

However, to get Carousel and Masonry you need to upgrade to the Premium version.

Instagram feed layout type
Grid | Layout Type

Select any Layout Type for your website!

Remember, if you select Carousel Layout Type, a new setting will come up.

Instagram feed layout Carousel settings

At the moment we have 5 options for Carousel Settings; Autoplay, Autoplay Speed, Slides to show, Slides to scroll, and Navigation.

AutoPlay #

In this section, you can control your Autoplay for Instagram Posts.

Instagram feed layout autoPlay
Autoplay for Instagram Posts

Turn off the button if you want to stop the Autoplay.

AutoPlay Speed #

Next is Autoplay Speed. You can adjust your autoplay speed limit.

Instagram feed layout AutoPlay speed
Autoplay Speed

Click on the plus sign to increase the speed limit. And to decrease the speed limit click on the minus sign.

Slides to show #

Here you can adjust the number of slides that will be displayed on your website.

Slides to show
Slides to show

We have selected 3 Slides to show, so 3 slides are displayed. You can increase or decrease the Slides to display.

Slides to scroll #

After Slides to show, you can edit your Slides to Scroll button.

Slides to scroll
Slides to scroll

From the settings panel, you can adjust the number of slides that will be displayed on your website.

In this Navigation section, we have four options; Arrows and Dots, Arrows, Dots and None.

Instagram feed layout Navigation

You can see both Arrows and Dots in this screenshot as we have selected this. You may select any.

Template Type #

Next, we have Template Types. Select a Template from the settings panel.

template 1 Instagram feed layout
Select a Template 1

If you select Template 1, all the captions and hashtags will appear in front of the post.

template 2 Instagram feed layout
Select a Template 2

However, if you select Template 2, the caption and hashtag will display below the post.

Number of Columns #

You can change the Number of Columns on your website.

Number of Columns
Number of Columns

Here, you can select the columns of your website that you want to display. Right now, we have seven ways you can sort the Number of Columns; 1 Column, 2 Column, 3 Column, 4 Column, 5 Column, 6 Column, and 10 Column. Select any for your brand.

Columns Gap #

Next is Columns Gap. We have six types of Columns Gap available right now; Default, No Gap, Narrow, Small, Wide, and Wider.

Columns Gap
Columns Gap

We have selected the Default option. You may select any.

It’s as simple as that!

Also, check out – Instagram Configuration